This article is here to help you decide if your friend is ready for that next step. Determining the difference between a guy who is ready for a relationship and a guy who just want to remain a good friend or wanting to take your relationship to the next level can be really tough. But, when you break it down it’s not really that difficult at all! You just have to know what to be watching out for. Here are 6 reasonable signs I was able to come up with among others that a guy shows in wanting a deeper relationship with you. 1. ATTENTION: A guy who pays attention to you is a guy who may just be ready for the next step. Men aren’t that attentive creatures unless with someone or something they really care very deeply for. So, if a boy/guy has been displaying quite a bit of his attention towards you, he might actually have some triggered feelings towards you But, how can you tell? Well, He will consistently message, call or ...