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 Vintage, Christian Engagement Photos African American Vintage Engagement Photos Koontz Photography (c):

Do you want to have God at the center of your dating relationship? Would you like God to influence the love you show another person? have you ever wonder why most men/women look out for  Godly attributable traits in  men/women as most expectations when they want to venture into a relationship? Here are some key points that can help you pursue Gods will in your dating relationship.

Know the ideal match or Partner  for you: Date someone that you would consider marrying, Choose a person that has a similar desire for God, one that will build you up in your faith and not loose focus. If you are already in a relationship, positively encourage one another in pursuing God's Purpose. Help your boyfriend or girlfriend to keep God the focus. Make an effort to bring God into your conversations and lifestyle, Not only will it help in keeping God on your minds, you will also find out about each others beliefs. Talking about a spiritual subject changes normal conversation into one of eternal importance. Discussing God also allows you to build up each others knowledge, confidence and trust, and also understand that you can not be "unequally yoked” that is, if they are not willing to accept the faith, the relationship might have to be sacrificed.

Pray consistently: Prayer is the Key, Pray about your dating relationship. surrender everything over to God, Let God know that you are asking His Consent and  approval. Talk to God about the problems that arise while building the relationship. Thank Him for the opportunity to be in a relationship and the happy times you experience. You can also pray with your boyfriend or girlfriend. It is a good way to help each other out with whatever stresses life brings. By praying together, you are experiencing God together. help each other in order to build trust; love and forgive each other as the Lord's Prayer models for us.

Know that  God's love is the ultimate: If your relationship with God is cordial, you will know the love God has for you means that you do not have to seek fulfillment in how anyone makes you feel, the most perfect love comes from God, and it is always yours. He will do much more to fill the love-space than a person ever could. Approach your dating relationship knowing that God loves you, and there is plenty room for wonders of love, marriage, family love, constancy that enables you to build and love your own family and everyone around you. Make sure you are strong in your loving relationship with God. This means knowing that He is always there to help you along the way. believe and trust Him. Make God the most important in your life. Make Him the love of your life.

Cherish your own personal time with God and be involved with Church activities: By keeping God’s words in your heart it helps you to remember the love and promises He has for you, Make sure you spend time alone with God, Observe you quiet time,  moments of reading and meditating the Bible, journaling or praying just between you and God. Since God is your ultimate love, it is good to have that time alone with Him. Trust and know that God has your back, He got your back. He wants what is best for the both of you, try reading the Bible together. It is fun, spiritual and good for conversation and helps in  shapening all other sphere of your relationship. Different verses will help you along the way in your relationship. Make sure your boyfriend or girlfriend and you are active in the body of Christ. You will feel good about sharing God’s love. He calls us to serve Him.
Be careful with physical affection: Hugs are great. God created physical affection to be good. But be careful in how much physical permission you give one another, Love has no condition, don't be cajoled by the statement "proof your love by sleeping with him or her" it's not true. A relationship can easily turn sinful if physical bonding, lustful desires, premarital acts  occurs, when this happens its no longer a godly dating but a worldly one. Avoid physical actions that might cause lustful thoughts ( such as sensual kissing,  massages,  sitting on lap, laying on each other) remember purity is a watch out in any God centered relationship. Save sex for marriage. Talk about your physical actions with each other, making sure you are both comfortable and feeling great.
Treat your partner with fruit of the spirit: When you treat your partner with the fruit of the spirit it will help to relieve stress in your relationships, in this World of troubles. Cheerfully show and treat your partner with  "Love, joy, peace, long-suffering which is patience, kindness, goodness, meekness gentleness, faithfulness and temperance, self-control. If these points are incorporated in your relationships it creates an environment of peace, trust and secured relationship.
Show God’s love to each other and have fun: Having a special someone and knowing they love you dearly can bring great happiness in this world, but know that God loves you even more. Give the love God has given you to your boyfriend or girlfriend. Make sacrifices for each other. Catch fun together. Go to a see games, go to the movies, and go out on dates severally. Be willing to serve one another, Put one another above yourselves. Find how to show love to each other, Use the love God has shown you and put it in practice  to your boyfriend or girlfriend and everyone around you. God’s love is perfect. Let Christ’s love reign in your dating relationship. Let the love you have for each other be a banner to the world displaying God’s goodness, holiness and purity. Remember though, "You are not your own, you were bought at a price" - therefore Glorify God with your body by being  His temple, Male or Female know that your body is God's temple  and let Him reign  in your relationships. We are called to be holy, because He is holy.

Like, share and comment, Hope it helps.



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