the wives and wives in view.Yay!
burdens of life weigh heavily upon the shoulders of men since they are
responsible for maintaining and supporting their families. In fulfilling this
responsibility, the man of the household must confront many problems and
obstacles outside of the home. Some of these problems may be the pressures of
work, the hassles of traffic and commuting from the office to home, concerns
over economical and political issues of the day, empathy and concern for
friends and colleagues, and the pressures of trying to improve the living
conditions of his family. The amount of preoccupations and pressures upon a
responsible man is enormous and multifaceted. It is no wonder that the average
lifespan of a man is less than the woman. As women we have been built with some
traits to acts as good wives to our husbands, but I need to ask: Are you his
Comfort zone? May be you were, how can I be his comfort zone again? Simply read
on this 3 ways among others.
Be there for
him Always:
There is no one who does not have problems and grievances with regard to
daily life. Everyone likes to have a sympathetic person with whom he/she can
confide and who will listen to his problems and comfort or encourage him/her, As women, God has wired us in such
a way that we bear brunt of pains and still smiling, unlike men who get
frustrated easily because they tend to do one thing at a time and if not achieved
can take some drastic decisions, you there to comfort,console and
give him hope. I once heard this from a man; he said “if the whole world is against him, so long his wife stands
by him. He will be fine", that’s a wow statement right? don’t be too
impatient, the point to remember is that "there is a time and place for
everything". One should realize the proper time and occasion to complain.
Some ignorant and selfish women do not realize that their husbands are very
tired and nervous after a long day's work. Instead of waiting an hour or two
for him to regain his spirits, they start attacking him with a barrage of
complaints and even nag him on things which don’t really counts.
Be his comfort: In order for
the humans to be able to cope with the burdens of life it is necessary to
have someone to listen to and sympathize with him. Your husband is no
exception. He may feel alone and in need of finding refuge and comfort amidst
these pressures. It is natural that the man looks towards his wife and family
as a source of comfort and relief. Therefore, anticipate his expectations and
needs. Be cordial and warm when he first returns home after working and have
refreshments or let him feel that you are at his disposal to care for his needs.
Try not to overwhelm him with criticizing him the minute you see him. Let him
rest and recover his strength before putting up the demands of the family's
personal issues.
Listen and be
When your husband comes home, try to have a smile and a warm greeting for him.
Attend to his physical needs of fatigue, hunger, and thirst. Then ask him about
his problems (especially the full time house wives, but not excluding working
class wives as well). If he is not willing to talk, be a good listener and
sympathize with him. Try to express your genuine concern and then help him
realize that the problems are not as impossible and huge as he had thought.
Give him encouragements of support to help him cope with the issues. You can
say something like this: These problems are being faced by many people. With a
strong will-power and patience, it is possible to overcome the difficulties as
long as one does not let the problems get the better of you. These problems, as
a matter of fact, are tests as well as builders of the true character of a
person. Do not despair. You can solve them through determination and
perseverance. If you have some ideas on handling the problems, share them with
your husband.
Dear ladies! At times
of difficulty, your husband is in need of your attention and love. You should
come to his aid and nurse him like a sympathetic psychiatrist and wife. What a
psychiatrist could give the amount of care that you would give? Do not
underestimate your ability to soothe and strengthen him. There is no one more
devoted and concerned over your husband's well-being other than yourself. He
would be able to draw strength from your devotions to him and cope with his
problems which will relieve his emotional and mental pressures. Consequently,
the mutual bond of respect and love would also be greater which can only lead
towards strengthening your marital relationship.
Hope it helps.
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