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I live my life by this! My senior quote was Eleanor Roosevelt's "You must do the things you think you cannot do". Fear is an indicator of where you need to push your limits.:

Fear is that strong, uncontrollable kind of, unpleasant emotion caused by actual or perceived danger or threat. Your ability to confront, deal with and act in spite of your fears is the keys to happiness and success. One of the best exercises you can practice is to identify a person or situation in your life of which you are afraid and resolve to deal with that fear situation immediately. Do not allow it to make you unhappy for another minute. Below are some ways to tackle your fears no matter what it seems to be.

When you identify a fear, it could be fear of taking risk, fear of the unknown, fear of falling in love, fear of oh am  I going to be successful, fear of not believing in yourself, fear of even finding true happiness and so many more base on individual, identify and discipline yourself to move towards your fear, it will gradually grow smaller, as it does grow smaller your confidence grows, your fears lose their control over you, but when you back away from a fear inducing situation or person, your fears grows larger and larger, and it dominates your thinking and feeling, preoccupies you during the day and often keeps you awake at night too.

The only way to deal with fear is to address it head on, remind yourself that denial is not a river in Egypt and obstacles  are trials to be overcome. The natural tendency of many people is to deny that they have a problem caused by fear of some kind and they are afraid of confronting it. In turn it becomes a major source of stress, unhappiness, insomnia and other psychosomatic illness.

The companion of fear is worry. Like twin brothers, fear and worry go around together. The real antidote or cure for fear or worry is discipline, and addressing it purposefully or intentionally in the direction of your goals. Get so busy working on your goals or the solutions to your problems that you have no time to be afraid or to worry about anything.

Life is a circle, it goes on and on, new fears, challenging situation goes on and on too,  but at every stage of life when you practice the self discipline of courage and force yourself  to face any fear inducing situation in your life, your self esteem rises, your self respect increases, and our sense of personal pride grows. You eventually reach the point in life when you are not afraid of anything, even in challenging situation you tend to understand that, When it knocks you down, you will rise  over and over again. No giving up, no quitting, always Persistent, who said you can't achieve your dream carrier, job, family, house, health and fitness, and so many more, don't let fear tame you down. Practice intentional courage YOU CAN DO IT!

Fear is discouragement, it limits you to a point causing you to be stagnant day in day out without being effective and efficient towards achieving your goals. Because in life You will get opportunities at things so great they scare you senselessly but because you have  no freaking clue how they are going to turnout, you either  jump that chasm and into the fullness of your potential - or you  stay behind in fear's comfy little lie, where you can watch your dreams on the other side slip  away from you.  Resolve to confront the situation and put  fear behind you. The Choice is yours.

Hope it helps.




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