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 Yoga isn't just asanas. That's superficial.Eight sutras of Patanjali the eight-fold path of yoga:1. Yama: moral. No injury to others.2. Niyama:Purity of mind and body, contentment,self-discipline.3. Asana: Postures 4. Pranayama: Breath control. life currents of body5.Pratyahara:Withdrawing of senses from external objects.6. Dharana: Focus,mind on one thought or subject.7. Dhyana: Meditation.Reaching bliss, peace, light, wisdom, in this universe.8. Samadhi: Consciousness.One with soul.:

Thought I should share what  I have been learning this periods of my life. that is actually working for me, is good to share right? yes, Your lifestyle is simply the way you live your life. Basically how you live consist  all aspect of your life it could be physically, financially, spiritually, morally, and so on. successful lifestyle here has nothing to do with your material possession but the quality of the person you become, how do you live, do you live an aimless and stagnant life year in year out. You may ask yourself, why am I living a routine life? Why are my savings not consistent? Why is my relationship with God not improving? Why are some people successful than others? Why is my marriage not working? Why do some people make more money and achieve more in the same number of years than majority? Why do I set goals and unable to achieve them at a stipulated time?  Why am I lazy to take a bold step? Why do I start up a project and along the line abandon it? Why why why?  I ask myself this same questions. What is the secret?

You know what I have come to discover base on research and studies in all of these, every one actually wants to be successful, everyone wants to be celebrated, but few number of people are willing to sacrifice a whole lot.  The secret I discover for all of this successes is simple –“self discipline”.

Self discipline is self control; success is possible only when you can master your own emotions and inclinations. People who lack the ability to master their emotions and inclinations become weak unreliable and  frustrated, they tend to give up during trial times that could build and strengthen their will power.

Self discipline is important to  control yourself, your ability to control yourself and your actions, control what you say and do, ensure that your behavior are consistent with your long term goals and objective is the mark or sign of  self discipline

Discipline has been said to be self denial, this requires that you deny yourself the easy pleasures, the temptations that lead lot of people astray, and instead discipline yourself to do those things you know are right for long term and appropriate for the moment.

Success is not really the material things you accomplish or acquire but the quality of the person you must become to accomplish well above the average. The development of self discipline is the peak road that makes everything possible for you. The most important success principle of all was stated by Elbert Hubbard, a prolific writer in the history of America,  , said “ self discipline is the ability to do what you should do, when you should do it , whether you feel like it or not." it should be an enforced compliance, a systematic method of obtaining obedience from you to you.

Set higher standards for yourself and discipline yourself to act every minute of the day towards this standards as if everyone were watching you. you know what I have actually learnt in the cause of the years people who have been underestimated, let down, disappointed, tend to rise on their feet, to do more for themselves because they want to show that they can actually be what they underestimated them of. Just as self discipline is key to success, the lack of self discipline is the major cause of failure, frustration, under achievement, unhappiness and stagnant life. The choice is yours to make.

Hope you find this inspiring.




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