Sometimes, no matter how experienced we are or how much we have accomplished or how much we love to do something, we all can use a little help to keep going, a bit of motivation in down times can really be helpful, for sometime now, I have not written articles to share, all i need was a little motivation to get back to what i love doing, my point is at one stage or the other, we need our boat to be steered, check out these key ways to motivate yourself and keep steering your boat.
the face of the inevitable obstacles we encounter, here are
ideas that have worked for me, At the end of this post, feel free to comment on what keeps you going in the comment box; Some
of these will resonate you.
Write down you Goals: Once you
have written out goals, imagine for that moment you can achieve the entire
goal on your list if you want them long enough and hard enough. Once you have
written out this goal, clearly and specifically set deadline too, as your
subconscious mind needs a deadline so that you can achieve your goal by
specific time.
Set deadlines:
a reasonable time period and write down the date when you want to achieve it.
If it is a big enough goal, set a final deadline and then a sub deadline or
interim step between where you are today and where you want to be in the future. A deadline serves as a “forcing
system” in your brain, just as you often get more done when you are under the
pressure of a specific deadline, your subconscious mind work faster and more
efficiently when you have decide that you want to achieve at specific
Quotes. Inspirational quotes does really help,
channel this quotes around you, digest
them, as they will help you to be optimistic and give you driven
force and persistence ability in your down moment. Instead of surfing the
internet aimlessly, surf in focus of doing something worthwhile.
Keep Moving: One of the
things that keep me going is, I read books, listening to audio, that keep me inspired, say to yourself "I must not be stagnant", if you are not flying, make sure you walking, and if you are not walking make sure you are
crawling, by all means make sure you are moving.
Read over and over and Practice: I
read books most times to keep my mind fixed (i.e books that inspire and
motivate). But sometimes, no matter how much you know, reading can revive and bring about practicing, so keep reading new books or going back on older
books for motivation.
Support groups. The
people you associate with matters, are they tiring you down or
spurring you on to good works, who could offer words of encouragement
and advice when they were stuck, or even if they didn't ask for advice is simply the right people who love and wants your progress, Check out people you commune with, either they corrupt your good manners or impact you positively
They have a chip on their shoulder. More people
than I would have thought say they keep going no matter what to prove to the
people "who told me I would never be successful, that they were
wrong, Keep telling yourself what you need to believe in, so long it's a positive vibe, the
best way to predict the future is to create it. And then go create it.
Visualize and Create Momentum. Although
several of the people I talked to swear by it. They say focusing on what
success will ultimately look like keeps them going. I worry that
having fixed image of success could keep you from pursuing other
opportunities that you could encounter on the way, but I am including this one
here because it seems to work for so many.
Exercise, Think. Sometimes
being tired, depressed and worn out is “simply” a matter of over-work or being
out of shape (or both.) Taking a break at regular points could be
enough to keep you going. And at the very least, if you get into
shape you will have more energy to think and focus.
Learn from your mistakes. Having things
go wrong—you don’t get the sail right; it's not a roller coaster like you think,lot of challenges—is enough to get anyone demotivated (if that is a word.) You are
going to feel bad. Accept that. And give yourself a SHORT period to
wallow. Then learn from what went wrong. That way you will be turning the
rejection into something you can benefit from going forward. It sounds
simplistic and cliched, of course, and it is extremely difficult to do.
But it is true. And more importantly, it does work.
Don’t Get In Your Own Way. There will be
enough circumstances beyond your control which could take the wind out of your
sails. Don’t make your life harder than it
has to be. Simplify everything you can. (Leaving yourself 15 minutes less
than you need to get to an interview is never a good idea, leave earlier) Delegate the stuff
you are bad at and become as organized as humanly possible. Stress is the
enemy of creativity. And creating more stress than you have to for yourself is
simply dumb. It makes you less of a positive thinker and implementer.
Keep score. This one is for all the hard
charging type out there. If you are keeping a running tally of the
jobs completed, your level of achievement and successes, seeing them increase--and wanting them to increase further--can
be a great motivating force because of the pleasure you derive. Just looking at the scoreboard, your financial account, or outputs as to achievement and successes and knowing that
you need to get them more higher, can keep you fired up.
I hope it helps you get back on your feet or start afresh on whatever journey /goals you have set for yourself.
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